Midnight Cowboy

19691hr 53minR

Movie Language: English Subtitles: None

A naive hustler travels from Texas to New York City to seek personal fortune, finding a new friend in the process.

Stars: Dustin Hoffman, Jon Voight, Sylvia Miles, John McGiver, Brenda Vaccaro, Barnard Hughes, John Schlesinger, Waldo Salt, John Barry

Fun Facts of Movie

Before Dustin Hoffman auditioned for this film, he knew that the all-American image that he carried after The Graduate (1967) could easily cost him the job. To prove that he could play Rizzo, he asked the auditioning film executive to meet him on a street corner in Manhattan. He dressed in filthy rags. The executive arrived at the appointed corner and waited, barely noticing the “beggar” not 10 feet away who was accosting people for spare change. The beggar finally walked up to him and revealed his true identity.
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