Monica Conway and Jose "The Critic" are now friends
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Aquello que durante tanto tiempo ha sido algo escondido y muy mío ahora por fin sale a la luz y es vuestro, espero que lo disfrutéis muchísimo.
Es un 📖 para aquellas personas amantes de la cultura y el arte, pero sobre todo el salseo 🔥🔥🔥 Solo puedo decir GRACIAS por esto a 🧡 Penguin Libros por…Read More
The Book review by Sassan
Monica Conway and Rich are now friends
Monica Conway posted in the group Books Resource
The novel follows the story of a teenager named Holden Caulfield, who has just been expelled from his prep school. The narrative unfolds over the course of three days, during which Holden experiences various forms of alienation and his mental state continues to unravel. He criticizes the adult world as “phony” and struggles with his own transition…Read More
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Jose "The Critic"
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