Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None

Walking men shooters. Stars: Claudio Brook Jorge Luke Pedro Armendariz Jr. Lorena Velazquez Silvia Pasquel Sergio Kleiner Jorge Fons Arturo Ripstein
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None

Un taxista se enamora de una locutora que lo engaña en una fiesta. Se regresa a su pueblo natal (Huentitán el alto) con su abuela, a vivir en su ranchito.

Stars Vicente Fernandez, Lucia Mendez, Sara Garcia, Rene Cardona
Movie Language: Russian,Italian,Tatar Subtitles: None

The life, times and afflictions of the fifteenth-century Russian iconographer St. Andrei Rublev. Stars: Anatoliy Solonitsyn Ivan Lapikov Nikolay Grinko Irina Tarkovskaya Mikhail Kononov Nikolay Grabbe Andrei Tarkovsky
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None

A greedy land developer steals the land from an Apache Indian tribe. His plan involves shooting most of the Apaches but an Apache warrior survives and gets revenge.

Stars: Jorge Rivero, Mario Almada, Jorge Russek, Pascual García Peña, Pedro Armendáriz Jr., Emilio Fernández, Amparo Rivelles, Rodolfo de Anda, Fernando Galiana, Gustavo César Carrión
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None

Two rowdy saddle-tramps are hired to guide a caravan of orphans through the desert.

Stars: Fernando Almada, Mario Almada, Marco Antonio, Rogelio A. Gonzalez
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None

Laura Montaño, a corrupt landowner who exerts control over a Mexican zone, wants to put an end to her daughter Sara's romance with Julián Moncada, a young farmer. She sends for the legendary gunfighter Maclovio Castro, better known as "One-Hand Maclovio", to kill Julián. However, upon his arrival the mercenary is haunted by guilty memories of his past in the region, he is followed by a man seeking revenge, and the tense power struggle in town obstructs his mission.

Stars: Julio Alemán, Mario Almada, Eric del Castillo, Juan Miranda, Barbara Angely, Julián Bravo, Alberto Mariscal, José Delfos, Ernesto Cortázar
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None In 1916, when a Mexican rebel steals cannons from the American army, General Pershing sends out a group of misfits to retrieve the stolen weapons. Stars: George Peppard, Giovanna Ralli, Raf Vallone, Pete Duel, Don Gordon, Nico Minardos, Gabriele Tinti, John Larch, Francine York, John Russell, Paul Wendkos, Stephen Kandel
Movie Language: English Subtitles: None

Oliver Cromwell can no longer tolerate King Charles' policies, and the self-interest of the ruling class, and leads a civil war to install Parliament as the ultimate ruler of England.
Movie Language: English Subtitles: None

The growing ambition of Julius Caesar is a source of major concern to his close friend Brutus. Cassius persuades him to participate in his plot to assassinate Caesar, but they have both sorely underestimated Mark Antony.

Stars: Charlton Heston, Jason Robards, John Gielgud, Stuart Burge, William Shakespeare
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None

Simon, a deeply religious man living in the 4th century, wants to be nearer to God so he climbs a column. The Devil wants him to come down to Earth and is trying to seduce him.
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None An aging widow hides a deadly secret which she will do anything to keep buried. Stars: Geraldine Page, Ruth Gordon, Rosemary Forsyth, Robert Fuller, Mildred Dunnock, Joan Huntington, Lee H. Katzin, Bernard Girard, Theodore Apstein, Ursula Curtiss
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None

After his family is killed by bandits, a young man enlists a wandering cowboy to teach him to shoot.

Stars: Raúl de Anda Jr., Jorge Russek, Narciso Busquets, Eduardo Noriega, José Elías Moreno, Amadee Chabot, Enrico C. Cabiati
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: English

Fidencio Barrenillo goes to Arizona in search of an old silver mine that belonged to his great-grandfather.

Stars: Cantinflas, Isela Vega, Quuintin Bulnes, Carlos Cardan, Jose Torvay, Ivan J. Rado, Miguel M. Delgado, Sergio Guerrero Calderon
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None

Batwoman is called to investigate a whacked out scientist that is capturing wrestlers and using their spinal fluid to create a Gill Man.
Movie Language: English Subtitles: None

In 11th century Normandy, a Norman duke sends one of his knights to build a defensive fortress in order to guard the borders against Frisian raiders.

Stars: Charlton Heston, Richard Boone, Rosemary Forsyth, Maurice Evans, Guy Stockwell, James Fernatino, Franklin J. Schaffner, Leslie Stevens, Jerome Moross
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None

A new priest comes to a little town causing discomfort to parishioners.
Movie Language: English Subtitles: None

Outnumbered British soldiers do battle with Zulu warriors at Rorke's Drift.
Movie Language: English Subtitles: None

A young Catholic priest from Boston confronts bigotry, Nazism, and his own personal conflicts as he rises to the office of cardinal.
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None Sandy is distraught when, having saved Flipper by pulling out a spear, his father insists the dolphin be released. A grateful Flipper, however, returns the favor when Sandy is threatened by Sharks. Stars: Chuck Connors, Luke Halpin, Connie Scott, Joe Higgins, Kathleen Maguire, Robertson White
Movie Language: English Subtitles: None

Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt experiences both triumph and tragedy as she attempts to resist the imperial ambitions of Rome. Stars: Elizabeth Taylor Richard Burton Martin Landau Martin Benson John Cairney Douglas Wilmer Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Movie Language: English Subtitles: None

Barabbas, the criminal that the Jewish leaders induced the populace to vote to set free, so that Christ could be crucified, is haunted by the image of Jesus for the rest of his life.

Stars: Anthony Quinn, Silvana Mangano, Arthur Kennedy, Katy Jurado, Harry Andrews, Jack Palance, Richard Fleischer, Pär Lagerkvist
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None

Viridiana, a young nun about to take her final vows, pays a visit to her widowed uncle at the request of her Mother Superior.
Movie Language: English Subtitles: None

The State of Israel is created in 1948, resulting in war with its Arab neighbors.
Movie Language: Spanish Subtitles: None

The true life's story of Juana Gallo. A woman who rose to become one of the leaders of the Mexican revolution.

Stars: Maria Felix, Luis Aguilar (I), Noe Murayama, Rene Cardona, Sonia Infante, Miguel Zacarias, Manuel Esperon
Movie Language: English Subtitles: None

Herod, King of Judea, is made a prisoner by the Romans. Convinced the King is dead, his faithful lieutenant, Aaron, is nevertheless unable to keep his promise to kill the Queen if something untoward happened to the King. He leads the young woman out into the desert. Herod's pleas to Augustus are successful and he returns to his palace. His son, Antipater, informs Herod that Aaron has betrayed him.

Stars: Edmund Purdom, Sylvia Lopez, Massimo Girotti, Viktor Tourjansky

Showing 51–75 of 102 results