Heck Allen
Heck Allen was "Story Man" (or "Gag Man") for most of Tex Avery's best MGM cartoons from 1944 through 1955, which to this day are some of the funniest cartoons ever made. Allen was responsible for some of the most outlandish, side-splittingly hilarious gags in the history of animated short subjects. Although Allen also worked for Walter Lantz (producer of the Woody Woodpecker and Chilly Willy cartoons, among others) as well as with other MGM cartoon directors, it was when he teamed up with Avery that his comedic cartoon talent really shone. Allen worked with Avery on cartoons starring such characters as Droopy Dog, Screwy Squirrel, the ultra-sexy Red, The Wolf, and George and Junior. In addition, Allen and Avery created many "one-off" cartoons, which featured characters who appeared in only a single cartoon, including The Cat That Hated People (1948) and King-Size Canary (1947).