Héctor Sánchez
His literary work extends to Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Spain and Colombia, countries where he has resided for a long time. With The Supreme Causes, a novel, he won the Esso prize in 1969. He has been a finalist for the Rómulo Gallegos prize, in 1987, with his work Entre ruinas. In 1984, his book Sin nada entre las manos was brought to Colombian television under the name of El Faraón. He has published Cada viga en su ojo, cuentos, 1967, Las maniobras, novela, 1969, La orilla ausente, relatos, 1972, Los desheredados, novela, 1973, Sin nada entre las manos, novela, 1976, Se acabó la casa, cuentos, 1978, El tejemaneje,novela, 1979, Entre ruinas, novela, 1984 In 2016, Pijao Editores in his Contemporary Masters collection, published The Supreme Causes, the Disinherited, Between Ruins, Episodes of Light Life and Tales, a personal anthology. The publishing group Sial Pigmalión, from Spain, publishes its novel Mis noches en casa by Maria Antonia, in 2017.