Movie Language: English Subtitles: None

Life on Earth is rapidly destroyed except for a small area in Eastern Europe. Stars: Aleksey Chadov Pyotr Fyodorov Svetlana Ivanova (IV) Luerya llyashenko Filipp Avdeev Konstantin Lavoronenko Egor Baranov llya Kulikov Sergey Trofimov
Movie Language: English Subtitles: None

When Thomas takes his Harley into the deserts of Spain for a little solitude and contemplation, he meets Lucia, a young woman in trouble. Though her antics are constantly disruptive, it is through her special spirit, ultimately, that he finds the enlightenment he was looking for.

Stars: Terence Hill, Veronica Bitto, Renato Ansaldi, Eva Basteiro-Bertoli, Francesca Beggio, Raul Cervetto, Guia Jelo, Andy Luotto, Gianantonio Mellone Martinone, Claudio Pacifico, Matt Patresi, Cinzia Susino, Luisa Tonon

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